Saturday, August 14, 2010

Pictures from Weekend to be Remembered...

The complex where we stayed...there
were many small townhouse style places
in a row that formed a campus. We had
a LONG walk to the the meeting area.

My closest South African friend and my
roomie for the weekend, Jabu. Her husband
is a lecturer at the Bible School. They have lived
on campus and served the school for 40 years!
This was the traditional banquet and service.

The beautiful beach that we visited for about
30 minutes...we could see it in the distance
from where we stayed as well.

The infamous bus where I spent
36 hours last weekend and the
awesome ladies I rode with...

A couple ladies enjoying their
"snacks" on the bus which consisted
of chicken, mealie pap, spinach, and
a homemade bread called dumpling.


  1. How fun! and OH HOW I MISS DUMPLINGS!!

  2. I love the necklace your wearing!! And I think it's awesome that the ladies are eating real food as "snacks" on the road! Glad you had fun :) Miss you!!
